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Candle Cove pilot (“Welcome To Our Happy Ship!” S1 E1) on Cove Corner

  Oh yea also last week on Monday they FINALLY reaired a season 1 episode...its the pilot btw lol I THINK the good morning blondie spot aired that day too? But i had the sound off for some reason so idk. I managed to get this screenshot. Thats where he goes "good morning!" And does that godawful chuckle Yea lol XD I cant get over how he looks, i love the season 2 design so much XD No wonder he was my favorite Still is too

What happened today

screw it. i'll tell you guys anyway becuz i figured out the image issue but youll have to believe me i swear so heres what happened My aunt g lives out in the countryside of west monroe. Like, theres a bunch of swamp trees around her house. Today it was dried up and it was so...liminal. Like, the trees stretched out in every direction. Endless almost. I got this werid feeling of deja vu for some reason. Part of me also dreaded how maybe Jawbone and Horace where there in West Monroe since i watched candle cove when i still lived there then i saw this I swear to god theres was a towel i think stretched over that But when i first saw it it was a cloth made of skin It was further in the woods And then i blinked and it was gone I then i saw Horace creeping around a tree with that godawful grin on his face He beckoned at me Like he was going "come with meeee" I tried to ignore him but i swear i felt him staring daggers at me (or dagger bc he's got one eye) He kept just sort

will have to update tomorrorw

gonna have to update tomorrow. cant add pics or vids for some reason. the scratching is also back and ive been hearing faint wheezing laughter everytime i go to check.

Something happened

  Im coming back from my dads.  At my aunt gs atm and i have soemthing to report Will do when i get home


  Oh yea also A few days ago... I was tryna record a video of lucky blake (our cat) and this happened: I dont need to add anything. It speaks for itself UM WHAT????? CANDLE COVE IN THE 1920S???????? HUH????? IS THE SHOW THAT OLD???? WAS IT A ONE OFF CARTOON THAT GOT ADAPTED INTO A SHOW????? The way they portrayed the skintaker was like a puppet and everyone else was a cartoon so there is NO WAY thid was allowed. UM??????? did he just pop up the way thru???? and after it cut to black it cut to some version of the screaming episode??? It cut off near the end with the static but they were STILL SCREAMING And then it glitched kicked me out of the app. I wasnt even in the app it kicked me in and back out Id upload more footage but my phone's kinda acting werid atm For the rest of that day (this was a few days ago) lb was all jittery and kept glancing like this Like he saw something i couldnt I know its normal for cats but i feel like HE CAN SEE IT TOO Candle cove i meab Sorry i just had

The knocking has become scratching now

  Gosh its been forever. Sorry everyone. Ive been sick plus school has started so i havent had time to do stuff on here. Same with cove corner. Ever since school started it all just sorta paused. Other than last nice. So just last night started hearing this subtle scratching on my window (not sure if you could hear it in this video) so i went to check and i saw a flash of orange and yellow and a glint The glint was that darn monocle from Horace Its werid how hes evolved from the knocking to the scratching Besids that nothing else It seems theyre backing off for now thank god I guess he was just reminding me that theyre still there

Reedited ag’s photos to their og versions (I think)

  This isnt much but i went ahead and reedited some of the pics ag sent me To their possibly og versions Im gonna be giving these nicknames too bc why not Here's "brave the wave" Here's "part of the crew" And here's "all hands on deck" Guess i basically nailed it when i brightened it originally lol Havent been checking in on the Cove Corner but its still on my roku tho Thank god I dont know why no one else knows about that godawful night Im the only one Idk how mom didnt notice she let horace in the house accidentally i the only one who sees the cove corner? And them irl? Idk just a guess I know some people say you just stare at static and i tried that before but it sorta only faintly shows up. Like a bad signal, or an outline But its there Ag hasnt said anything. Thats pretty suprisng ngl Anyway this was short but yeah lol