
Showing posts from May 26, 2024

season 1 shenanigans (the reason i made this blog part 2)

 heres some of the season 1 stuff, as promised Yeah, a HUGE difference in budget XD I think for Season 2 they had more funding from Local 58 (or Channel 58 aka the guys who originally aired Candle Cove), hence the difference in budget. So yeah, that would make sense. Geez  it was a lot more...VIOLENT, too. I guess they stopped doing that when the show got more mainstream in Season 2. Not sure why they changed the Skin-taker's name to Jawbone in Season 2...maybe so he wouldn't scare the kids as much? no but realy let me share the real reason im doing this The main reason i'm documenting here though is that yesterday, the weridest thing happened The main reason i'm documenting here though is that yesterday, the weridest thing happened Apparently theres like a legend that the incident that god the shiw canned was this episode that was jjst the puppets flailing spatisticlaly and screaming and Janice just moaned and cried...that was it. That was the episode. They just scream...

Werid roku app? (the reason i started this blog)

The reason I set up this blog is becasue I'm gonna be using it to document my findings with a werid roku channel i found. The icon for it was completely blank and it had no description or title as if it hadn't finished loading. It just sorta popped up on my tv for some reason. So out of pure curiousity i clicked and it dear god the amount of nostalgia i felt... I know i asked this already but does anyone remember this werid kids show called Candle Cove ? It's sort of an urban legend. If i'm not mistaken, it aired for a few months back in 1971 and then went off the air thanks to some incident. I think it was Channel 58's first original programming too. Not sure why they canned it. I watched reruns of it in like 2009. I think it was about a girl or something who imagined to be friends with pirates and it was really werid and low budget. Her name was Janice or Jade or something. And there was Pirate Percy and that werid talking pirate ship with the ed wynn voice, whate...


 Well, i might as well introduce myself now that this blog is a thing. My name is Amy. I would rather not say my age or location at the moment for privacy reasons, but i will say i live in Louisiana. The reason I'm setting up this blog is to share something that happened on my tv that I'll elaborate on in a different post. This werid channel popped on my tv and it's been broadcasting a show I haven't seen since I was little. But before I explain this I want to ask something important, because it'll things make a little more sense: Does anyone remember this show called Candle Cove ?