Found something pretty huge

Guys. I found something huge. CONCEPT ART!!!!!!!!!! I think this is from season one. It’s of Skintaker, Horace, and I think that might be Hoody Hans? He’s one of the many characters that only appeared in Season 1 and didn’t reappear in Season 2. Here’s some more of the Season 2 designs for Horace and Jawbone: I THINK candle cove reran in the 80s too? Thats why channel zero showed candle cove airing in the 80s instead of the 70s originally. Yeah the reruns were in 1988 Like with the Cove Corner, they mostly reran season 2 episodes for some reason. They reran the season 1 episodes too, just not as much. I think they mustve somehow brought the reruns back in 2007 to maybe 2012? Idk why the show went off c ompletely again. 2009 was when Kris Straub wrote that story about it that made everyone remember it Maybe the reruns started up again even before 2009? I forgot what channel the reruns were on in 2009, i THINK it must've been a local channel, rather than the nick jr/noggin and pbs k...