Another ominous message from ag…

 Ag got back all of the sudden. No file this time

He said "you were there. You were with us. We went on adventures on the high seas. We made them just for you. It was so much nicer back then, wasn't it? We had so much fun. You didn't have to worry the way you do all the time now. You only had adventures with us all the time. We even celebrate your birthday! Wasn't that fun? You never grew up while you were with us. Don't you want to come back? This was your home. It'll be your home forever and ever. The home we made for you, the one we made on television so long ago. the home that's been waiting for you. We're still here, Amy. We never left. We never forgot about you. We're waiting for you, all this time, we've been waiting for you. Now it's time for you to come back inside. 

See you soon.”

Dear lord idk if I was dreaming when I was transported into the show.

I srsly need to do some digging. But idk if i should stop here, this is bringing up so many weird memories i had suppressed.

Was the transporting into the show thing real? was the imaginary friend skintaker real?

Probs not. I was just a weird kid

I hope at least

Alright thats it. For real this time. I got a lot of thinking to do



Candle Cove season 1 tv spot (the scratching is back too)

Candle Cove pilot (“Welcome To Our Happy Ship!” S1 E1) on Cove Corner

What happened today