It's back.

It's back somehow.

It just sorta displayed a random shot of Jawbone/Skin-Taker from season 2 before cutting the episode.

I don't know how this is even possible

Usually they rerun the same few episodes. Usually the pilot from season 1 and the two episodes from season 2 with extra clips hastily spliced here and there

Then there's that tv spot from season 1 and that Good Morning Blondie spot from season 2

But i don think i noticed this before.

Pretty sure we all know about that parr with Janice and shes like "why does your mouth move like that" and the skintaker going "TO GRIND YOUR SKIN" rught?


In this one seasom 2 rpisode, one of the ones they rerun, theres this bit where Horace goes up to the camera and says "I can seeeee you" and does that godawful hoarse wheezing chuckle he does all menacingly


Usually when they rerun this episode, they just sorta cut to the credits or something all abruptly but THIS

HOW was this for kids?????????

If i saw this when i was little i wouldve lost my marbles

I thinkt here was another bit where the dialog was a little different

Same episode but idk why they changed it

iirc, it was that same scene with Horace in the Bravery Cave, but theres a part "Your new friend is waiting for you. Now its time to come a play a game with him" and then Percys like "but idk how to play" and Horace is like "Youve met him before, but you dont remember"

I think the voice acting was diffrrent too. Percy sounded more like ash ketchum lol

Ugh idk but the words "Youve met him before but you dont remember" have been cycling in my head an idk why

Remember adrian grimes guy? I asked him why he emailed me and it took uim a few days but the message i got

back said "part of the crew part of the ship" over and over. This was what was attached

It's a higher version of the opening one of the season 2 episodes The file is named "welcome_aboard"

I know ive said this before but i find it so werid that Jawbonr and Horace are suddenly friends with percy and

janice i think? Unless theyre holding him for ransom lol. I think this mightve been because they were going for

a softer and more kid friendly thing than season 1

Im also now realize that for the longest time, the "something is coming, a strange vessel headed for the cove"

wasnt originally horace saying that. So apparently, judging by this clip, that was JAWBONES VOICING

COMING OUT OF HORACE. Idk why that is. In the episode they usually broadcast that introdiced Jawbone

(the one with Bravery Cave) they edited it so that it was horace saying that? Idk how you could miss that. I guesshes like a spy or something in this. Or maybe theyre friendly rivals and jawbones the one who actually wants to

kill them

Also apparently in season 2 the phrase "welcome to candle cove" popped ip a lot for some reason (like with how

horave is saying it in this clip) Like yeah, we know its candle cove, you dont have to remind us lol

Anyway with a title like “welcome_aboard” With a totle like that i cant help but feel like i jjst

got involved with soemthing i shouldnt have…

Uh oh

Anyway thats gonna be it for now. Im gonna see if i can get more stuff out of the adrian grimes guy and see whaelse i havent noticed now that the Cove Corner is back on air. See yall later.

(note: sry if the way i type is annoying, its just how i type unline lol)
