the good morning blondie tv spot

 one last thing for today: if i recall correctly, there was a tv spot that used to play back in the day. i remember seeing one when i watched candle cove in was the laughingstock singing some werid song called "Good Morning Blondie" or something. it was just a still shot of him and footage from the show, and it ended with him going "Good morning!" doing that awful ed wynn chuckle followed by that "watch Candle Cove every weekday at 4:00pm!" card or something. this spot only aired in like the morning to 12;00, like, noon.

what was werid is that apparently JACK STAUBER did a cover of this song too, which i didn't even know was a cover until i remembered this spot.

laughingstock sung in the show too

here's the lyrics to the song by the way:

Good morning, Blondie

Rise and shine

I'll make you a cup of coffee

But I'll pour more into mine

'Cause your face moves like a puppet

And it doesn't make sense

I put a walnut 'tween your teeth

As a treat from your friends

I'll crush it down

You're really movin' now

Your love's the best Punch and Judy Show

In the whole East Coast

Wake up from your baby dream And tell me every little thing that you saw I'll make you a cup of coffee And I'll pour it in your jaw In your big flesh drawer

Good morning!

....yeah, its a lot creepier than i remember. for a KIDS SHOW, no less. but than again, this a show with the main villiam being a skeleton that wears the literal skin of children, so it's not all that bad compared to that

yeah, jack;s cover of it is far more well known here's the video for his cover if you wanna watch it

alright, that's it for now. i'm at my dads atm and its the early morning (ha), and will be going home tomorrow, so i'll be sure to check if the Cove Corner is back on there air.



Candle Cove season 1 tv spot (the scratching is back too)

Candle Cove pilot (“Welcome To Our Happy Ship!” S1 E1) on Cove Corner

What happened today