again, this blog isnt dead + I need YOU!

 sorry for disappearing again, folks! been super busy plus have been having time to myself, leaving me neglecting to check the Cove Corner. Last time i checked its still on the air.

plus next week me and my mom and stepmom are going on a vacation to Houston, so no posts then obvs.

ive also noticed my blog has been gaining a lot of tracation lately, so thanks a bunch guys, but  im worried people won't believe me about all of this, i dont blame them but this is all real, i swear on my soul.

There;s something elese i've been meaning to ask of you feels like im on a wild goose chase at this point, everything about Candle Cove ive found are either about Channel Zero, fandom wiki bs, or things ive heard before, not the actual show as ive shared here before. Pretty much nearly everything (other than what i've found) about the show has been scrubbed from the internet. I tried looking for the original NetNostalgia fourm from back in 2009 about the show, and the four users that were in it, Skyshale033, mike_painter65, Jaren_2005, and kevin_hart, but I havent find anything about them either, it looks like the forum went defunct a while ago. I even tried emailing the guy who ran that forum, one Kris Straub, but all my emails bounced. 

So...i might as well ask here if anyone else watched Candle Cove at some point, whether it was during its original run in 1971 and 1972, or reruns in the 80s, 90s, 2000s, 2010s, or even 2020s? Or at least knows a bit more about it? The episodes, the characters, your general experiences, please do share below!
